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The `getdevicelistinfos` API method might be useful. Of course only if someone is interested in collaborating - I don't have access to FritzBox devices so I would be very difficult to implement and test this myself. Anyway, just an idea.
@framp - trying my best If issues occur, I'm quicker to respond on GitHub (and others can help out as well), but I'll check in here now and then.
The getdevicelistinfos described in the document picks up devices connected via DECT or Zigbee to a Fritzbox, from my understanding - so devices without IP addresses. There is a plugin for "homebridge" (the bridge I run on a Raspi to link such devices to the HomePod/Apple Homekit). I believe it is in Java Script: https://github.com/seydx/homebridge-fritz-platform
I think this relies on https://github.com/SeydX/fritzbox
Maybe something can be learned from that. Unfortunately, I stopped programming about 35 years ago (Basic, Pascal, Modula 2) - which means I am a mere user of things now.
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