QTS build 20220531


Well-known member
Ich dachte das Posten neuer Firmware sei bundesweit in allen einschlägigen Foren meine Aufgabe?
Alles muß man wieder selbst machen. :)

[Important Notes]
- After firmware updates to QTS 5.0.0, the following models cannot be downgraded to earlier QTS versions due to changes in software compatibility: TS-131K, TS-231K, TS-431K, TS-431XeU, TS-431X3, TS-231P3, and TS-431P3.

[Security Updates]
- Fixed the security issue CVE-2022-0778. For details, see https://www.qnap.com/en/security-advisory/qsa-22-06
- Fixed multiple security issues (CVE-2021-31439, CVE-2022-23121, CVE-2022-23123, CVE-2022-23122, CVE-2022-23125, CVE-2022-23124, and CVE-2022-0194). For details, see https://www.qnap.com/en/security-advisory/qsa-22-12
- Fixed security issues CVE-2022-22719, CVE-2022-22720, CVE-2022-22721, and CVE-2022-23943. For details, see https://www.qnap.com/en/security-advisory/qsa-22-11
- Applied multiple security updates to further enhance system security.

[Fixed Issues]
- NAS CPU usage and memory usage would increase significantly when running a backup job from the NAS to a TR-004 expansion enclosure whose file system was HFS+.
- The "hidden" file attribute would be disabled after users copied hidden files from Windows 10 to the NAS.
- File names would change after users copied files from the NAS to an external USB drive due to issues in HFS+ driver.
- On the TS-1886XU-RP, the system fans would stop if users chose to adjust the fan speeds according to the temperature threshold and if the system temperature was below the threshold.
- QTS would display unexpected error messages about DMC and GuC firmware on the TS-x64.
- QTS would sometimes display unexpected error messages about OpenSSL when users visited certain websites.
- Users could not obtain up-to-date volume information for created or removed volumes when querying SNMP OIDs.
- Feature description in "Control Panel" > "System" was not correctly translated into Simplified Chinese.
- Some LDAP domain users and domain groups would be missing after users restored an LDAP database to another NAS that had a different processor architecture.
- QTS would display a message that asked users to disable 2-step verification on the destination NAS of SnapSync jobs even if 2-step verification was already disabled.
- Users could not perform DNS queries with IPv6 for the local device.
- Network & Virtual Switch could not display certain information when users selected a virtual switch as the system default gateway and disabled NCSI (Network Connectivity Status Indicator).
- Static Route would stop functioning after a network adapter was connected or disconnected.
- Network & Virtual Switch could not display correct information for network interfaces when users installed an external network adapter on a NAS model that supported USB QuickAccess.
- Certain users could not successfully update ClamAV virus definitions.
- Control Panel would display an unexpected user "browser-station" when importing users from another NAS where Browser Station was installed.
- In File Station, after uploading files via FTP, users could not delete these files from search results.
- In File Station, users could not delete a subfolder by right-clicking the subfolder on the left pane and then selecting "Delete".
- In File Station, after copying files from an external USB device, users could not delete these files from search results.
- The NAS would stop responding when users searched for a large number of UTF-8 files via SSH on an HFS+ external drive.

[Known Issues]
- macOS Finder takes a long time to display content in SMB shared folders when users connect the Mac to the NAS via Thunderbolt. This problem may be due to Mac device driver issues. It only occurs to Mac devices with Intel processors and macOS 11 (or later versions).
- Thunderbolt write speeds are lower than expected in QTS 5.0.0. Note: Due to Thunderbolt driver compatibility issues, if you are using macOS 11/12 devices with Intel processors, we do not recommend updating QTS to 5.0.0 for the time being.
- QTS and QuTS hero with newer kernel versions do not support ATTO Fibre Channel adapters. If you have already installed an ATTO Fibre Channel adapter on your device, we do not recommend updating the firmware to QTS 5.0.0 or QuTS hero h5.0.0 for the time being.
- Control Panel cannot display the information of the TPU installed in the M.2 slot on the QGD-1602P.

Das ausführliche Log mit den Informationen für welche Geräte das Update geeignet ist, finden sich unter
Ich bin erstmal wieder "Mitstück", solange muss das jemand anders übernehmen :)
Mein Augenmerk liegt nun auf der 5.0.1, da bekomme ich von 5.0.0 nicht so viel mit...
Mein Augenmerk liegt nun auf der 5.0.1, da bekomme ich von 5.0.0 nicht so viel mit...

Rosinen picken ist hier ncht.
User welche mit QTS 5.0.0 unterwegs sind haben auch ein Recht auf Informationen. :)
Und 5.0.1 ist immer noch "Public Beta". Sowas wil man sich nicht intallieren. Hab den Eindruck, daß bei QNAP manche Stable noch als Pre-Alpha durchgehen müsste.
Hast Recht. Sowas ist aber echt ein Unding.
Als offizielle (Stable)Firmware veröffentlichen und nachträglich eine Beta draus machen.
Ich wil nicht der QNAP-Basher sein, aber das ist ein äußerst fragwürdiges Niveau.
Immerhin wurden zuvor offiziell nur die release notes bereitgestellt, der Download war bis zu dem Zeitpunkt wo es eine Beta wurde nur manuell mit viel Geschick, sprich nicht offiziell, möglich.
Ah ok, das wusste ich nicht.
Dachte QNAP hat die frei verfügbare und offizielle Version nachträglich als Beta deklariert.
Ne, so schlimm war es nicht. War nur für jemanden wie mich blöd, der über die neue official informiert, einen Artikel darüber schreibt und dann plötzlich gesagt bekommt, dass es doch nur eine Beta sei :devilish:

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