QTS build 20211111


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Und es geht es mit einem Update für QTS weiter.

QTS build 20211111

[Important Notes]
- For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit https://www.qnap.com/en/product/eol.php
- Removed support for USB printers.
- Starting from QTS 5.0.0, to enhance storage performance and data security, a RAID group now only supports a maximum of 16 disks.

[Fixed Issues]
- DNS features occasionally could not function normally after firmware update to QTS 5.0.0.
- The memory usage of dnsmasq would keep increasing when users ran the "nslookup" command in Ubuntu.
- File Station would display incorrect sorting results when users tried to sort files or folders by their names.
- Users could not download files from shared folders if they manually specified folder paths and enabled advanced folder permissions.
- Users could not use longer domain names when configuring reverse proxy rules.
- On the NAS models that support a maximum of 16 snapshots per volume or LUN, users could not apply snapshot settings when Smart Versioning was selected as the snapshot retention policy.
- LDAP server would lose its user list and group list after firmware update from QTS 4.5.4 to 5.0.0.
- Users could not access home folders via AFP.
- After updating QTS to, users could not connect to iSCSI LUNs via VMware ESXi 6.7 if they restarted the ESXi server.
- The TR-004 expansion enclosure could not enter sleep mode after firmware update to QTS 5.0.0.
- Users could not join the NAS to the Active Directory domain in Windows Server 2003 after firmware update to QTS 5.0.0.
- QTS would stop responding when users created SSD cache and then unlocked an encrypted volume.
- Even though QTS no longer require an exFAT license, Storage & Snapshots would still display a hint about the exFAT license when users tried to format an external device to exFAT.

[Known Issues]
- Twonky Server cannot function normally on the TS-h973AX running the latest versions of QTS.
- Some applications cannot access the NAS when secure connection and TLS 1.3 are enabled. This is due to a known issue in the applications. We will fix this issue in upcoming app releases.
- macOS Finder takes a long time to display content in SMB shared folders when users connect the Mac to the NAS via Thunderbolt. This problem may be due to Mac device driver issues. It only occurs to Mac devices with Intel processors and macOS 11 (or later versions).
- Thunderbolt write speeds are lower than expected in QTS 5.0.0.
- QTS and QuTS hero with newer kernel versions do not support ATTO Fibre Channel adapters. If you have already installed an ATTO Fibre Channel adapter on your device, we do not recommend updating the firmware to QTS 5.0.0 or QuTS hero h5.0.0 for the time being.
- QRM+ temporarily does not support the TS-x32, TS-x32U and TS-x35A models running QTS 5.0.0. We will add support for these models in upcoming releases.
- Users cannot update the firmware of the QXG-10G2T-NXE network expansion card after updating QTS to 5.0.0.
- Control Panel cannot display the information of the TPU installed in the M.2 slot on the QGD-1602P.
- After users rename a shared folder, QuLog Center still displays the original folder name in Accessed Resources.
- Virtual machines in Virtualization Station cannot function normally if users create and enable SSD cache after updating QTS to or
- Network & Virtual Switch displays unexpected interface connection status and FEC status when users connect the following pairs of devices:
* NAS with Mellanox network adapter + NAS with Mellanox network adapter

[Other Changes]
SSD Profiling Tool
- QTS no longer pre-installs SSD Profiling Tool by default. Users can install this tool in the App Center.

Control Panel
- Replaced SQL Server with MariaDB 5/MariaDB 10, which can be installed in the App Center.
- Removed iSCSI Service from Service Binding in Control Panel. Users can now configure iSCSI service binding settings in iSCSI & Fibre Channel.

- Qboost is no longer a built-in application of QTS. Users can choose to install Qboost in App Center.

App Center
- To ensure system security, QTS now automatically disables applications that are not updated and that do not meet the minimum version requirements.
- Removed support for the following applications, utilities, or services:
* WebERP
* Vtiger CRM
* Ragic Cloud DB

QVR Pro Client & QVR Smart Client
- Starting from QTS 5.0.0, HybridDesk Station no longer supports QVR Pro Client (HDMI output). You can install QVR Smart Client on HybridDesk Station as the client software for your QVR Pro, QVR Elite, or QVP surveillance servers. Note that QVR AI Pack License is required for using QVR Smart Client. You can continue using QVR Pro Client on Windows or macOS as the client software for your surveillance servers to watch live views or play back recordings.

NVR Storage Expansion
- Starting from QTS 5.0.0, NVR Storage Expansion is no longer supported.
Cool. Diese o. g. Version ist auch wieder weg.
Die Bastelbude ist nicht mehr ernst zu nehmen. Sollen die mit ihrem Spielzeug OS machen was sie wollen.
Um bei den großen mitzuspielen haben sie keinerei Qualifikationen.
Wenn ich morgen Zeit und Lust habe versuche ich mal was in Erfahrung zu bringen... Vielleicht gibt es ja doch mal ein offizielles Statement oder so :)
Ich schätze Deinen Enthusiasmus aber das bringt doch nichts.
QNAP würde sich lieber die Zunge abbeißen bevor die da was sagen.
Würde ja einem Schuldeingeständnis gleichkommen. Geht ja garnicht.
Würde ja einem Schuldeingeständnis gleichkommen. Geht ja garnicht.
Das sollte man eventuell in Betracht ziehen.

Als wir unser Wissen über eine bestimmte Technik, die jetzt nicht mehr in Deutschland vertreten ist, an die chinesischen Kollegen (das waren sie damals noch) übergeben haben, kam nicht einmal eine Frage in der Art, das sie etwas nicht verstanden haben. Das ist normal.
Und die indischen Kollegen haben wenn sie nicht weiterkamen einfach erst einmal nichts gemacht und später Ihrem Vorgesetzten in Indien mitgeteilt, das das so ist. Der hat sich dann zwei Wochen später bei uns gemeldet. Das macht die Arbeit ungemein effizient. Aber wir in Deutschland arbeiten halt zu teuer. :-(
Ich werde morgen mal ein paar entpersonalisierte Zitate in Richtung QNAP schicken. Wenn das nix bringt sollen sie wenigstens Wissen woran sie scheitern.

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